Moral Superiority in the Face of Radical Islam
White people are not as superior as we would like to think we are.
I know, I know. No whites out there really think they are superior, but deep deep down, we do. But I have news for everyone. Everyone thinks their race is superior. Good manners prevent the vast majority of all races from putting our thumbs in our ears and sticking out our tongues about it, but we all do. We can look at race objectively and objectively reason out the strengths of each race and objectively realize that all strengths are pretty much equal. But deep, deep down, we all think we have the advantage.
Which brings me to current events, namely America's struggle with militant, radical Islam and why I believe the "progressive" political view is faulty. In my opinion, white liberals believe the white race is superior, as do whiny, demanding minorities. White liberals, being what they are, believe that whites, as a race, have a moral obligation to distribute largesse to those whom they do not believe can compete, both intellectually or morally.
This mistaken belief in their own superiority has created a false dependence upon them and assured them (at least in their own minds) of their superior status. Their "evidence" that their "generosity" has been successful is a quieter, more docile community of minorities. They may not have jobs or any measure of prosperity, but hey, at least they're not rioting as they did in the 70s.
The history of race relations in America has been far from stellar. The civil rights movement and the more militant activities were the results of discrimination. Whether we should have looked more introspectively at race issues or just thrown money at them, as we have, remains to be seen.
But what we have now is liberals applying the same formula to Islamic radicals - as if the problem is merely one of discrimination by white folk. The problem is that Islamic radicals have no interest in money or platitudes. And there is no inferiority complex. They believe they are superior and they want an acknowledgement of their superiority in the form of us capitulating to their demands to cover the women, abolish democracy, and convert to Islam.
At some point, the politically correct establishment is going to have to come up with a reason why this is a bad idea. And it is becoming increasingly obvious that this can't be done without establishing a clear moral authority - something that would make the soul of a liberal curl up and die, unless of course, they are lecturing working class whites for saying "black" instead of "people of color.
Now comes the test of our democracy, our political ideals, and our racial pandering. Is it enough to withstand a disciplined, morally confident enemy who has no interest in preserving any of it? Are Americans so resentful of each other that we will not stand together to fight? If our government is any indication, we aren't. But I like to think that we, the people, are slightly more honorable.
Islam and Western Political Philophy have one thing in common. Our members consist of those of all races, which is one reason why I believe issues of superiority are now in the realm of the political, philosophical, and religious. However, one of our problems is that we, in America, have a political party who has capitalized for too long on myopic race issues and is loathe to let them go. The situation is similar in Europe, but is most likely worse.
And what a horrible, useless distraction in the face of an enemy who would destroy everything we, as a civilization, have suffered so much to overcome.