Saddam Sentenced/Muslims Still Need Babysitting
Saddan Hussein is going to be hanged. I have actually reached a point where I don't care. He was an evil, sick, sadistic, power-crazed psychopath. But like it or not, he probably killed many other evil, sick, sadistic, power-crazed psychopaths or kept them at bay. Like Muqtada al Sadr. He is a Shiite Muslim, part of Iraq's oppressed majority under Saddam Hussein. But he is also an supporter of Iran who hates the U.S. just as much as he hated Saddam. Now contrary to the popular misconception, I don't believe Iran or al Sadr were happy to see Saddam removed if it meant the U.S. would try to establish a democracy in Iraq. But that doesn't mean they won't do everything possible to steal power from the new Iraqi democracy and turn Iraq into Iran. Ugly as this truth is, there was something to be said for allowing Saddam to control certain elements of the Iraqi Shiite population.
Now that we have effectively gotten rid of Saddam, it will be our responsibility to see that the psychopathic Shiites don't usurp the power. It's a tough job, and no one said it was going to be easy. When you step back and think about it, what we are attempting is to break through a tribal mentality that has existed for millenia. This mentality is arbitrary and completely without logic. It's one that still argues whether or not the Koran says to cut the clitorises off women, and how long one's beard must be in order to not be hanged or beaten.
Are there Muslims who have escaped this mentality? Assuredly so. But how frustrating it is to not only be stereotyped, but to have to try and convince one's fellow Muslims that they are insane and they are making themselves look like assholes.
I mean, how surreal is it to see an ordinary man, dressed in a suit and tie, announcing the propriety of cutting off women's clitorises because their jeans are too tight and bus rides make them horny. Or this idiot who can't even read, but does manage to spout the usual Islamic idiocy regarding his rape victim.
At some point the Muslim world is going to have to join civilization. They will never have their Caliphate or dominate any field of science or technology if they remain obsessed with issues of sexuality. For as much as Americans and the Western World obsess over sex, there are some thing that are not open for debate. We've moved past it, and reopening it for discussion is a pure waste of time.
Another interesting note, which is rarely discussed is hypocrisy of Muslims declaring themselves victims of discrimination, but having no issue at all with terrorizing/victimizing others. Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester in the Anglican Church, said as much, and it is well worth the time to read his statements. They bleat about being oppressed so they can in turn oppress. And there are no appeasements possible.
Hat Tips: Sandmonkey (awesome, awesome blog) and the irreplacable Little Green Footballs.
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