The EU
I read something interesting and heartbreaking on It was written by Andy Eckardt on attitudes that need changing in Europe. Aside from offering no solution (as usual), it does offer a motive, possibly unintentionally, for the European attitude.
He starts first by blaming the President.
"...when President Bush, in his first term, confronted his European partners with remarks such as "nations are either with us or against us in the war on terror," many Europeans were bewildered.
First off, Europeans must be either completely inbred, or unhealthily apathetic if such a statement bewilders them. It is well-documented how the Europeans rely heavily on America for their national defense. I guess they can't get each other's faces out of their crotches long enough to protect themselves. (Incidentally, it is bewildering to me how only a threat to their apathy can rouse them from their apathy, but I do digress).
Secondly, how heartbreaking is it that they question our motives when all we've ever done is help them. Mr. Eckardt does give a slightly glossed over motive.
" The rising criticism of America mirrors the emergence of the European Union as a global power."
"....In the 21st century, the European Union wants to be respected as an equal partner, maybe at times a counterbalance to the United States."
So all of the European bitching and moaning isn't even about terrorism, or "imperialism", or oil. It's about a European power struggle. Apparently they see fit to ignore the threat from Muslim terrorists and the new rise of fascism and anti-semitism in the name of Islam, in a bid to wrest economic and cultural power away from a nation that has propped their useless asses up for the last 60 years.
Maybe it is true that we don't have to tell them in such blunt terms to "shove it" (as satisfying as that is), but in a polite, conscientious way, inform them that our services to them are no longer required.