WMDs and the Kay Report
I swear I am not an apologist for the President, but I can't get that worked up about no WMDs being found. Actually, I ought to get worked up about it because I think he had them and handed them off to God knows who. We were too late.
Now while I think Iraq is an extremely necesarry base for the larger war on terror, I also believe that it was necessary to go there based on the evidence we had for WMDs. The fact that we are too late doesn't negate our efforts. If we are ever going to find out what happened to them, we need to start in Iraq. So buh-bye Saddam. If we liberate an oppressed nation in the process, great, but frankly, I don't care very much about the Iraqis who still seem staggeringly ungrateful. But I will be in the minority on this one. Conservatives still naively believe that we have to win the Iraqi peoples' hearts and minds to win the war, and the liberals will do everything they can to make sure that doesn't happen. Both efforts are a waste. We have to win the war before the hearts and minds. If we win, and bring back some order to their lives, the Iraqi's will come around and it won't matter who says what.