This and That
What is it about the Ladies of the Right Wing that turn liberal men into violent sexual deviants? Gone are the granola and guitars. They want butt sex. I guess vomiting for peace and protesting KFC hasn't been as sexually gratifying as they might have hoped.
I received my very own hatemail detailing the ass sex I should receive for my part in Protest Warrior. It was charming. One line that has remained with me said,
"you should be fucked in the ass until you bleed then die you hateful bitch."
Somehow, I don't think it had that much grammar.
I think I'm going to start an idiot celebrity of the week file. This week it goes hands down to Sean Penn. Hat tip to Little Green Footballs,
Penn is in Iran as a "reporter," and I'm presuming, to present the Iranians with the very best image of Americans as courageous defenders of democracy.
Here is the money quote of Penn attempting to bridge the gap between his fellow countrymen (who are responsible for this waste of skin's paycheck) and the frothing islamonuts"
"he told a film student during a visit to Iran's Film Museum in Tehran on Monday that the "Death to America" slogan chanted each week at Friday Prayers "hurt Iran-U.S. relations."
"I understand the nature of where it comes from and what its intention is," he said. "But I don't think it's productive because I think the message goes to the American people and it is interpreted very literally."
So "Death to America" is apparently an intricate and nuanced statement with many facets and interpretations.
I think Penn needs some oxygen returned to his brain in the form of a good old-fashioned beheading.
(Disclaimer: That last statment was nuanced and not meant to be taken very literally. I hope everyone understands the intention).