Tragedy In West Virginia And The Schmucks Who Would Exploit It For Politics
I was wondering where the MSM was going to take the coal-miner tragedy. I guess it would have been too much to hope that they would see past politics and show some genuine sympathy for the families, but apparently, they are seeing more potential for their party of choice in the: "Greedy Miners Rape Land, Pay Price" headlines.
Forget that they sit in their cozy little NY apartments, heated by those who do more back-breaking work than their atrophied little academic minds can comprehend. Forget that they sit in warmth and safety, dependent on those macho family men they are so content to satirize. Smarmy little schmucks, all of them. God forbid they ever experience a real NY winter. Instead their soft little hands are warm, their fat little tummies are fed, and their bloated little paychecks for writing this crap are paid for in blood.
But by all means, let's make this about the environment.
The first sentence of this bilge is telling. It states, "It is a fact of life in this part of Appalachia that if you want to make the good money and donÂt have a college degree, you either have to cut it from the wooded hillsides or gouge it from the earth." [emphasis added].
Let's take the "college degree" absurdity and what it implies. There is a mistaken idea put forth by professional, corporate academians, whose lives of intellectual leisure depend entirely upon the fallacy that a college degree is not only a meal ticket, but actual proof that you don't belong on the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder. It means you are enlightened, you ponder deep things, and your knuckles have no abrasions.
Now let's take the non-college educated working man. You know. The ones who go out and build things. Their jobs will be just as complex as any held by some college educated coffee boy. The miners, specifically, have jobs that few could do without possessingg a keen mind and a strong work ethic. And it's not especially lucrative given the dangerous nature of the work.
But regardless of your perspective of whether they are compensated well or poorly, they are still the ones who provide the basics for everyone's comfort. We'd have no shelter if not for the builders. We'd have no heat or light if not for the miners and roughnecks.
On a personal note, I've never graduated from college. I could have, but I didn't. I ought to, given that I have the work ethic of a hibernating bear. But I don't respect most college degrees.
Oh, I may get a degree one day, but it will undoubtedly be for something useless. Not that I'm bragging, but I could bullshit my way through an English major in minutes. But when I go back, and as I am listening to some snobbish corporate academian quote the dead poets and glorify their sad, gory lives, I will not forget who is responsible for keeping the rain off of us.
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