Sorry About All The Death
Newsweek, with fresh blood on their hands, has retracted their story on the Quran being flushed down the toilet at GITMO.
Too fucking late, boys.
Their anonymous source admitted that he/she had no firsthand knowledge of the incident, but had read it in a report somewhere, but couldn't remember specifically when he/she read it, which one it was, or where to find it. It wasn't a big article, or even one that was in an important part of the magazine. I doubt Isikoff and Barry even gave it that much thought since this institutionalized, left-wing biased sensationalism is so ingrained. But Rathergate was a joke compared to this.
And there is no excuse.
This magazine only gets printed once a week. That is plenty of time to check and recheck one's sources and facts. They have editors, investigators and most importantly, time. I'll say it again. Thank God for blogs. If it weren't for them, these "journalists" would be getting the same free pass they've had for decades. I have news for them. Their goose is cooked.
Smash had an interesting observation on the difference between the Christian and Islamofacist way of handling religious intolerance.
"...I noticed the car in front of mine had a Christian "fish" symbol
affixed to the back....Since the symbol of the cross was commonly associated
with Christianity, the early Christians adopted the fish as a secret sign, to
help them identify themselves to one another....
Except this fish didn't have the customary "Jesus" inside the body, nor the
Greek alternative "ΙXΘYΣ." Instead, this fish had "'N CHIPS" on the inside. It
was clear the the driver wasn't professing her own faith, but mocking that of
...but...making fun of a fish [does not] hurt God. So, while I don't
condone such desecrations, neither do I feel that such extreme reactions as
rioting in the streets or declaring holy war are warranted in response. I think
most Americans would agree.
So why do we hold Muslims to a lower standard?"
And it is true. I've watched the symbols of my own religion desecrated, submerged in urine, smeared with feces, and to heap insult upon injury, paid for by my own government. Yet somehow I've managed to avoid beheading anyone, cutting out their tongues, or shooting them in the head. And I must say it is pleasing to live in a society that has advanced beyond the stage of howling primate.
And speaking of primates, the French have ho-hummed and looked down their bulbous noses through 9/11, the war on terror, the oil for food debacle, and their child molestation scandals; happily lapping at their own genitals. But nothing gets their heads out of their asses faster than the government taking away one of their precious Days Off.
Chirac is drowning in the blood of the Iraqis his cronies traded for Saddam's oil, a French child-molester videotapes himself raping children in the Congo, and it's c'est la vie. But a day of honest labor to ensure that their old folks don't liquefy in their beds, well vive la révolution.
They all took the day off of work anyway, and I have no doubt they spent it judiciously in the sucking down escargot and the tossing their salads.