The Beheading of Nick Berg
The world's Jewish community is in a quandary. Persecution against them is on the rise, and the liberal/communist/socialist communities, who have used the holocaust (shamelessly) to promote everything from welfare to the porn industry, has abandoned them to fight for the islamo-facists. Apparantly the non-Jewish left feels that islamopathics can bring about the destruction of the evil capitalists much faster than Jews can. I guess the Jews are profitting too much from the capitalist system to maintain their credibility. But I am majorly digressing. The circumstances surrounding the beheading of the innocent Mr. Berg is a metaphor for the entire Jewish dilemma.
Although it took me awhile to wade through the media's morass of conflicting information (in an obvious yet incomprehensible attempt to make it seem as if Bush personally beheaded Mr. Berg), I have been able to ascertain that Mr. Berg, apparently, in a brave attempt to bring new communications technology to Iraq, underestimated the danger of our enemy as well as the extent to which they are operating in that country. If the truth be told, he shouldn't have been there. I am not blaming the victim here, but at this stage of the game, Iraq did not need his expertise, his goodness, and certainly not his innocent blood.
In the case of Mr. Berg's father lies the heart of the Jewish Dilemma. Bear with me as I try to make this point. His blame of the Bush administration for his son't brutal death could be chalked up to hysterical grief, but his opinion of the Bush administration's policy in Iraq was no different before the disgusting murder. Apparantly, he and his son had differing opinions. His son was a supporter of Bush.
Now one would think that out of respect for your son, and the horrific way in which he died, you would keep your political opinions to yourself ESPECIALLY considering the fact that your son disagreed with you. However, the elder Mr. Berg has shamelessy used his BRUTALLY BEHEADED dead son to peddle his own politics. I believe it is shameful for a father to act this way. He has so little respect for his son's beliefs, that he has refused to blame his decapitators for his screams of anguish, pouring blood, and slow painful death. If I wasn't so upset by it, I would have laughed at the father's statement that "I knew he was decapitated. That manner is preferable to a long and torturous death." Now how the FUCK would he know? I can think of about 5 million ways I'd prefer to die including drowning, electrocution, and cancer. Incomprehensibly, Michael Berg prefers to see his son's murderers as humane killers instead of the psychopathic religious nutbars that they are. The fact that they are walking around free to behead someone else's son, doesn't bother him, but his government's attempts to wipe out those soulless wastes of human flesh does? Michael Berg, in a letter to all the papers in America, made the weakest case for his placement of blame that I am ever likely to hear. I'm paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect of the Bush administration had never looked into his son's eyes, and the killers did and he believes that they saw what a good person his son was. WHAT THE FUCK?! I beg to differ. And fucking spare me the maudlin eyes cliche. Dead eyes, rolled back in agony, make a far more compelling argument. The representatives of the Bush administration that Nick Berg did come in contact with, looked into his eyes and offered him a plane ride out of the country with as much security as they could provide. The bestial murderers either looked into his eyes, saw a good person, and still slowly sawed off his head, or they didn't bother at all. Michael Berg is a either a completely delusional person, or an absolute coward who would prefer to sell out his beloved son to his murderers rather than fight for justice. Either way, my contempt for him knows no limits.
Basically, what I'm driving at is that Nick Berg and his father represent both sides of the Jewish Dilemma. Nick represents the New Jew living in the post 9/11 world. They realize that it is possible to live in peace, but the element in the Muslim world that is demanding their deaths, must be dealt with first. Hence, his support of Bush. I think Nick Berg was simply premature in his assumptions to that end.
His father represents the Old (post-WWII) Jew. The ones who allied themselves with Communists in the mistaken belief that it was the antidote to the fascist poison that had led to the gas chambers. Unfortunatly for Jews in general, the Old Jews have become so entrenched in the belief that the left will look out for them, they are now blind to the fact that the lefties have abandoned them for a new "victim." The Muslim. This victim is not passive like the Hebrews were and are far more willing to bring death to the capitalist pigs. I think it helps too that Muslims are perceived as "poor people who have been perpetually raped by the shady deals our government has forced their governments to make" (please inject as much sarcasm into that statement as possible). However, it is hard to sympathize properly with a Jew who advocates socialist communism while taking full advantage of a capitalist system and a free market economy. Face it. Jews are too successful to make good shills for the anti-establishment movement.
What will happen remains to be seen. Will the Jews squander their money and political capital on a cause that is betraying them? Will they sacrifice their pride on the altar of pacifism? Will they accept the beheading of their children in the mistaken belief American Christians would do worse if they could? I think it's a Sophie's choice for most Jews and it's a shame because it shouldn't be. I truly hope that Michael Berg is an exception and not a rule. The best thing would be for the Old Jew mentality to be replaced by the realization of exactly who the common enemy is and then make the stand that they were not able to do before the last wholesale slaughter of their kind.