The Death of Howard Dean. Cause: self-inflicted brain hemorrhage brought on by accute disappointment
Howard Dean's rant was awesome. I saw it live and was most impressed. I had been operating under the delusion that it was not really possible for a politician to become psychotic with disappointment. I really thought they were too jaded. Apparantly not. I sat slack-jawed and watched Howard Dean and his snarky little nerdlings go collectively nuts. Tom Harkin looked like a harmless lunatic who was accidentally placed in a home for the criminally insane. Dean looked bad. Really bad. What made it worse (if anything could have) were the folks behind him. They weren't his little snot-nosed brat supporters who might have deflected some of the attention. No. They were his respectable, Washington-insider endorsers and wealthy, dignified, monetary contributors. Tom Harkin, trying and failing to look enthusiastic, put it over the top for me. I woke up my husband who was very sick with the strep. "Hon. Hon. HON!! Howard Dean has lost his mind!!! On LIVE TV!!!!" My husband grunted what I think was "Go Kucinich" before passing out from the fever. Very happy I witnessed that little piece of history.
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